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Pournami 2022 - பௌர்ணமி 2022

Date Day Start time End time
17 January | 4 தை Sunday - ஞாயிறு 03:18 AM - 17 Jan 05:18 AM - 18 Jan
16 Febraury | 4 மாசி Monday - திங்கள் 09:43 PM - 15 Feb 10:26 PM - 16 Feb
17 March | 3 பங்குனி Wednesday - புதன் 01:30 AM - 17 Mar 12:47 PM - 18 Mar
16 April | 3 சித்திரை Friday - வெள்ளி 02:25 AM - 16 Apr 12:25 AM - 17 Apr
15 May | 1 வைகாசி Saturday - சனி 12:46 PM - 15 May 09:44 AM - 16 May
14 June | 31 வைகாசி Sunday - ஞாயிறு 09:03 PM - 13 Jun 05:21 PM - 14 Jun
13 July | 29 ஆனி Tuesday - செவ்வாய் 04:01 AM - 13 Jul 12:07 AM - 14 Jul
11 August | 26 ஆடி Wednesday - புதன் 10:38 AM - 11 Aug 07:05 AM - 12 Aug
10 September | 25 ஆவணி Thursday - வியாழன் 06:08 PM - 9 Sep 03:29 PM - 10 Sep
9 October | 22 புரட்டாசி Saturday - சனி 03:42 AM - 9 Oct 02:24 AM - 10 Oct
8 November | 22 ஐப்பசி Sunday - ஞாயிறு 04:16 PM - 7 Nov 04:32 PM - 8 Nov
7 December | 21 கார்த்திகை Tuesday - செவ்வாய் 08:01 AM - 7 Dec 09:38 AM - 8 Dec

About Tamil Calendar 2022:

Thank you for visiting our https://tamilnaalkaati.com website to view today’s Tamil date. We are very happy to serve you today’s date with perfect details. All the details in the calender are written based on the Indian timings. So if you are referring this from other country then please take timezone into consideration.

Tamil Calender and timings in the date are precisely predicted by expert people using the location of moon and stars in the sky. Tamil people all around the world use this daily calender to view nalla neram or good time of the day to start a good deed or function. Every functions like naming a baby, opening a shop, purchasing a new vehicle, buying a house, lending a loan etc will be started in the good time or nalla neram mentioned in the Tamil calender.

Tamil Calender begins with the month “Chithirai” just like “January” in the English calender. There are twelve months in the tamil year. All the months in the tamil year contains either 29/30/31 days just like the english month. Only one month called “Aani” has 32 days in a month.

The twelve months in the tamil year are Chithirai, Vaigasi, Aani, Aadi, Aavani, Purattasi, Ippasi, Kaarthigai, Maargazhi, Thai, Maasi, Panguni. To view in Tamil click here.